Mahabalipuram, Auroville, Paradise Beach for a catamaran ride, and Botanical gardens in Pondy. Almost nothing went according to plan.
We got a late start because of the rain. It rained all day Friday and was raining Saturday morning when we left. Rain is uncommon this time of year in Chennai. Many areas in Chennai, including my area, have no storm drainage system, so water fills the streets, which narrows the driving lanes and causes traffic congestion and delayed our start. Our plans included a stop at Mahabalipurum to complete some gift shopping that I had started two weeks earlier. That was the most successful event of the day. Read my earlier blogs on Mahabalipuram. Before I go on, I need to mention that Vijaya is single and hunting for a bride. Traditionally, marriages in India are arranged by the parents, but Vijaya wants to help his parents out in any way he can, so he is advertising. Aman, pictured later, is also single and in the hunt, but he was less enthusiastic about getting his picture taken.
The drive to Pondicherry went smoothly, with only one minor incident. Vijaya drove. He drove very safely since he has no insurance. However, he did come very close to running over a dog. Like cattle, dogs roam freely. Vijaya is trying to cut back on the number of dogs he kills with his car. He has developed a reputation at work as the "dog slayer". This of course is all unintentional. He holds to the Hindu philosophy of not harming any other living thing. For that reason, he is a vegetarian and doesn't even eat eggs. (Plants don't count as living things.)
Once we got past Mahabalipurum, the country side opened to reveal rice fields. I was nice to be out of the city. We forgot to bring water, so we stopped along the way to purchase coconuts. "Young coconuts are sold with the top cut off and a straw inserted to make a refreshing drink."
Our next stop was Paradise beach, where Vijaya had planned a 2 hour catamaran cruise. However, due to the low pressure system that caused the rain, the catamarans were not running. Instead we took a 5 minute ride on a speed boat in the
Chunnambar backwaters.
Chunnambar backwaters.
Even though nothing went as planned, it was still an enjoyable day spent with good company.