Friday after work, Abdul took me to the bazaar. About every fourth booth at this particular bazaar sold DVDs. I purchased several. They sold for Rs 20 (50 cents), so I'm not sure if they are authorized copies. The first movie I watched had subtitles. I couldn't find a way to turn them off. A few minutes into the movie, I decided the subtitles were just as much fun as the movie. They were obviously done by someone who did not speak the language well and was not familiar with American culture. Ex. one scene in the movie mentioned a nativity scene. It was subtitled as an "activity scene".
The next movie I put in the DVD player wouldn't play at all. Another movie was the result of someone videotaping at a theater. I could hear the other people at the theatre caughing and laughing. At one point, someone stood up and walked in front of the camera.
The shops sold DVDs with three, four, or sometimes 11 movies per disk for the same low price. I bought singles, expecting to get higher quality.
I watched Ocean's Thirteen on Sunday. It was a quality reproduction.