Saturday, Aman and I took a trek through The Theosophical Society. The aim of this society is to "form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or color and to encourage the study of comparative religions, philosophy, and science. It was founded in the U.S. by Col. Henry Steele Olcott. There was not a lot of activity there, but the buildings suggested that this place could be used as a retreat center. It was very serene and very different from the city just outside the walls.

Primarily, we went to see the park grounds. A British woman, Anna Besant, who the surrounding area is named after, fought to preserve this area from urbanization. This is one of the largest Banyan trees in the world. It is a single tree. i.e. single root system that extends 238' North to South and 250' East to West.

Another Banyan tree in the park was filled with bats.