The second floor of the New Life Assemblies of God church is where they hold the English services. They have three services each week. The service prior to this one was even more packed. So far, this church has been the closest to my experience at home. They even sang some songs that I knew. The theme for this month at the NLAG church is "The Lord will go before you".
North and South Indians speak different local languages. The regional language for this area is Tamil. The educated Indians also speak English. I think that is the reason why so many Indians attend the English services. At the new comers class after the service, all the other participants were from Northern India. It's also possible that they attend to improve their English skills.
My Muslim driver attends church with me. We've had small conversations afterwards.

This is the sanctuary where the Tamil speaking services are held. If you look closely, you can see the balcony on all four sides. If I would have taken a picture when I first arrived, you would have seen this place packed. People were overflowing at every door.