Sunday, March 2, 2008


Saturday, I took a day trip to Mahabalipuram. Mahabalipuram is located approx. 70 Km south of Chennai. Getting there is quite an adventure. The absence of traffic lanes and rules in the city is nerve racking, but outside the city where your speed is not so constrained by traffic, driving is scary. The road to Mahabalipuram is a two lane road that is clogged with buses and two wheelers. When you want to pass, you honk your horn, straddle the middle line, and expect on-coming traffic to move over.
The primary attraction at Mahabalipuram is the temple shown above. Read more about it at

Mahabalipuram is on the beach. I didn't take pictures, but the the town is filled with tourist shops selling rock carvings, trinkets, etc.

These rock carvings are just 1/4 mile inland from the temple.

This picture is not zoomed in, these monkeys let me get within touching distance. There were several other monkeys playing in the trees, but they did not hold still for photos.